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Absolutely Wild!

Enchanted Faerie Portals & Other Whimsy












     Faerie Glimmer surfaced, waved, and approached the carefree dolphins. For several minutes, they darted through the water together, surfacing, jumping, and diving in the frothy surf.
     Eventually, the dark-gray dolphin stopped to tread water with her head high above the water.
     “Hey, Flynch... have you... seen... Clytie?”

—excerpt "Missing Sea Faerie" Faerie's Tale


Absolutely Wild!

Enchanted Faerie Portals & Other Whimsy












     Faerie Glimmer surfaced, waved, and approached the carefree dolphins. For several minutes, they darted through the water together, surfacing, jumping, and diving in the frothy surf.
     Eventually, the dark-gray dolphin stopped to tread water with her head high above the water.
     “Hey, Flynch... have you... seen... Clytie?”

—excerpt "Missing Sea Faerie" Faerie's Tale


Absolutely Wild! is on a mission to inspire creative writing and artistic expression
in young people of all ages through the fun and fantasy of Faeries’ Tales and enchanted portals!

When you purchase a faerie portal and the story behind it,
you help support emerging writers. 
What's not to love?

About Absolutely Wild!

Once upon a time, Cherie Scott read Song of the Ocarina, a fantasy novel by her long time friend and author Ann Videan, and found herself inspired by its extremely tall, wingless, and musical Fae characters. Cherie sculpted a wee faerie portal for Ann’s birthday to celebrate her book, taking a photo of it “in the wild.” The author responded with a thank you note telling a unique “Faerie’s Tale” about its occupant.

The friendship-inspired exchange evolved into Absolutely Wild! Enchanted Faerie Portals & Other Whimsy! Long chats over tea, hugs, and lots of giggles...beautiful and creative portals and Faerie's Tales. Life is good.

* * *


That's where our story began, starting us on a journey to craft customized Faerie’s Tales and hand-sculpted faerie portals to inspire imagination, fun, and creativity in young people of all ages.

Every one of our Absolutely Wild! creations is uniquely hand made—whether it's an original portal with accompanying Faerie's Tale, or a customized order perfectly personalized with information we gather from you! Our Faeries' Tales are short stories about the Fae living behind the magical portal we create. The experience becomes absolutely "wild" when we photograph every portal in its natural habitat to share with you. 

We hope you will also enjoy taking the path to our "other whimsy," including coloring and writing books, coloring notecards, party favors, jewelry, and more.

Wait. Do you hear... The faeries are beckoning to you to come along on our journey.

— Ann and Cherie  

Cherie and Ann on a mountain somewhere in southwestern Colorado!

Cherie and Ann on a mountain somewhere in southwestern Colorado!

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Happy Words...






...from our Absolutely Wild! customers

Happy Words...






...from our Absolutely Wild! customers


Pure magic!

— Auntie's Visitors owner


Our faerie portal gift brought a bright spot to our week! The door was cute, we loved the story, and it incorporated our feedback really well.

— Casting Cats gift recipient

I am in love with my magical and whimsical fairy portal. It sits tucked in the old woodwork of a corner in my living room next to my zodiac tapestry & guitar. It tells an adorable and enchanting story to all who wonder and ask. I adore that it is covered with all my favorite little details & magical decorations. Such a personalized and beautiful gift!

— Finding Friend's gift recipient

Best gift ever!

— Fidget's Visitor owner



Delightful surprises in the beautiful presentation.

— Saving Grapes owner